
Life Support For All Types

Transfusion is an original concept and brand for a line of energy and sleep aid drinks that I created. I began with the packaging concept, which is an IV bag. I then developed a branding system oriented around the different blood types, where the type letter represents the flavor, and the +/- provides either an energy boost (+) or sleep assistance (-). I free-associated the letter types to personality types in the branding as a play on 'types' and to help consumers choose their type. I also incorporated this concept into the tagline - "Life Support For All Types". The colors help tie the types together, with A (yellow) on one end, B (blue) on the other end, and AB (green) in the middle. O is red, representing its universality. The trademark further incorporates the concept, with the IV stand hook element. I then used all of these elements to develop several different touchpoints.




HRJ Consulting